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Living a deSTINKed Life

A pleasant aroma can draw you closer, even before your other senses are aware of the source.  Likewise, unpleasant odors send warning signals to stay away.

What happens when the things we love in life give off a bad odor?

Humans and Pets will always generate odors, many of them unpleasant.  No Scent Pro began in 2019 to separate the life we love from the STINK we don’t.

ballet shoes being tied up
Stretching before a jog
Senior citizen knitting

I completed a marathon in 2015, which included training runs 3-4 days each week through a South Carolina summer. The shoes, oh the shoes. And the activewear - that amazing material that wicks away moisture but traps odors like it is its job! I’m not the only person required to change clothes in the garage before coming in the house, am I?

My four kids LOVE to dance! My youngest started early and danced the longest, almost 15 years competitively – ballet, lyrical, contemporary, hip-hop, jazz, tap, and others. The car ride home always included laughter, a big trophy, and an unholy stench pouring out of her dance shoes.

For almost 10 years, my elderly grandmother lived with us as her independence gradually declined. Over time, her favorite chair became infused with accidental odors. Our love never diminished, but who can deny her embarrassment, or the impact the odor had on visitors’ willingness to sit and visit?


In these stories I found a common theme: bad odors detract from our enjoyment, our passion, our eagerness to join with others, and sometimes even our motivation to pursue excellence.  Looking beyond my own experiences, I heard similar stories from others.

⬢ An introverted middle-schooler struggles with embarrassment after gym, making it hard to focus on the math lesson.

⬢ Athletes choose not to play where the facilities manager is nose blind and believes, “Locker rooms always smell like this. You just get used to it.”

⬢ A factory worker and an office worker leave their boots and dress shoes outside their apartment to avoid ruining dinner.

⬢ Dog parents fear leaving their hound at a kennel that smells like wet dogs and urine.

⬢ Adults avoid healthy exercise because of the inconvenience of carrying a smelly gym bag in their car.

⬢ An umpire’s eyes water from the smell of the catcher’s gear on a hot summer evening.

Join us in Living a deSTINKed Life.

A deSTINKed life means you fully engage with the activities you love. You are not ashamed or embarrassed, yet you recognize and remove the bad odors without letting them slow you down.

You don’t need your dog bed or our gym bag to smell like flowers, you just need them deSTINKed.

You know the deSTINKed advantage over other fabric refreshers is that you won’t stop at simply encapsulating an odor molecule. You’ll destroy that odor too, the way Nature does, with enzymes. And you’ll back that up with natural enzyme-producing bacilli which keep eliminating odors as long as they have sweat, urine, blood, vomit, or feces to feed on.

You protect your skin, your family, your pets, and your gear from harsh chemicals, heavy metals, strong pH concoctions, and oily residues.

You prefer a Spray & Play odor eliminator over multi-step, what were those instructions again, elbow-grease required, keep the kids and the cat off the sofa for 15 minutes procedural dramas.