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Dale Cordes, President

Please understand the volume of calls and emails that I receive while I'm busy trying to get this great business off the ground.  I will do my very best to respond to customers!  No promises that I'll be as responsive to cold calls from solicitors and robocalls though!!

From every dance rehearsal or performance, my family brought home 2 or 3 things: beautiful memories, often a trophy, and always the horrible odor of my daughter's ballet shoes. Why would we pack up such a thing and take it home with us? Simple. Because we didn't know how to leave it behind.

Humans and Pets will always generate odors, many of them unpleasant. Live with it? Hide it? Wash it? Cover it?  Finally, the complete answer is here. deSTINK it.

Team Equipment Managers, Facilities Directors, and others who are interested in buying deSTINKed products in bulk quantities, please contact me!

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